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Our dry eye blog — moisture chamber glasses

Suffering from dry eyes in the office? Look at these new Ziena computer glasses

computer glasses dry eyes air conditioning dry eyes in the office hay fever glasses moisture chamber glasses moisture chamber spectacles natural alternative to eye drops Ziena Eyewear Ziena glasses

Do you work in an air-conditioned office and spend a large part of your day in front of a computer screen? If so, the chances are that you will experience tired, dry eyes through the combination of the dry atmosphere and all that screen gazing.

The new Ziena computer glasses with their discreet silicone eye shields will help to insulate your eyes and reduce the evaporation of tears. They look stylish and are comfortable to wear.

This type of specialised eyewear is called moisture chamber glasses and is a proven, natural alternative...

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Dry eyes can be alleviated by wearing moisture chamber glasses

dry eye glasses Dry eyes glasses for dry eyes goggles for dry eyes moisture chamber glasses

Many people who suffer from dry eyes are reliant on taking regular eye drops to supplement their natural tear moisture.

There are many competing brands all seeking a share of the market in eye drops.

However, as anyone who uses eye drops regularly will know, the cost to the consumer can add up significantly, and overuse of eye drops can cause allergic reactions and other side effects.

There is therefore, increasing interest in the use of Dry eye Glasses as a natural alternative for relieving dry eyes, and for reducing daily reliance on eye drops.

Dry eye glasses...

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Do moisture chamber glasses need to seal your eye sockets completely to work?

moisture chamber glasses

Many people looking for moisture chamber glasses assume that in order to work properly the protective gasket needs to completely seal your eye sockets all round.

Actually that's not typically the case.

The optimum result is normally achieved with glasses that restrict airflow significantly while leaving a small fraction of the air to pass across the lenses, so as to reduce the potential for them to mist up.

You may wish to order two different frames from us to see which works best for you, because as discussed in an earlier post, the shaping of the different 7eye frames can be...

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