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Outdoors or indoors, Ziena glasses show great flexibility


I like to get outdoors as often as possible to enjoy Devon's beautiful countryside.

The trouble is that my eyes are nowadays super sensitive to the wind. It's a common problem that has forced many of our customers to give up outdoor pursuits like walking, cycling and golf because their eyes water profusely when it is cold and windy.

Imagine my excitement when around 12 years ago I discovered Ziena glasses. These amazing protective glasses have a soft silicone eye cup that seals your eyes from wind and rain.

Now that I wear Ziena glasses instead of normal prescription specs, I have been given back my freedom to enjoy the outdoors - whatever the weather.

Read more about stopping eyes from watering when it's cold or windy.

 Wearing Ziena Kai protective glasses on Dartmoor kept my eyes insulated from the wind


Indoors, my eyes dry out very easily, a problem that is acute when the heating is on.

Again it is my Kai glasses that have come to the rescue. Its protective eye cup keeps my eyes moist and has made life bearable indoors throughout the wintertime. I can enjoy having my house feeling warm without experiencing any dry eye symptoms.

Sitting by a real fire is surely one of the best aspects of wintertime.

However, dry eyes is a particular problem when you are in a room which has a log burner lit. Once ours reaches its operating temperature, I have to sit in another room! Such a shame.

Wearing Kai glasses helps to put back the enjoyment of a log fire

But with my Ziena Kai glasses on, I can sit near a log burning stove in comfort without any eye problems flaring up.

So outdoors or indoors, Ziena Kai glasses can make winters much more comfortable for anyone who suffers from dry eye syndrome. They can put the enjoyment back into simple pleasures like winter walks and sitting by the glow of a real fire.

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