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Our dry eye blog — dry eyes aircon

Don't let air conditioning ruin your life! Wear moisture chamber glasses

dry eyes air conditioning dry eyes aircon

Air conditioning is helpful in cooling down a warm space but unfortunately this is at the cost of making the atmosphere much dryer. This increases your tear evaporation which has a severe drying effect on your eyes.

An hour in an air-conditioned environment can make your eyes really sore

If you are prone to dry eyes, even an hour in an air-conditioned environment can make your eyes really sore.

lady with dry eyes

It can have the same effect if you wear contact lenses, Your eyes dry out when the aircon is on so that the lenses are...

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Don't let dry eyes ruin the summer!

dry eyes dry eyes air conditioning dry eyes aircon Eyewear Accessories moisture chamber glasses moisture chamber sunglasses

Wearing moisture chamber sunglasses and glasses reduces tear evaporation, providing relief for dry eye sufferers. They will keep out dust, pollen, and will reduce the drying effect of hot summer weather, keeping your eyes comfortable and moist.

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