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Our dry eye blog — dustproof sunglasses

Wear contacts or have sensitive eyes? If you're flying off to the sun, you need protection from wind, sand, and dust

7eye AirShield contact lenses on safari dry eyes air travel dry eyes airplanes dust proof sunglasses dustproof sunglasses stop dust getting into eyes on safari windproof sunglasses

If you're planning to fly off to an exotic location, packing a pair of 7eye AirShield protective sunglasses could make all the difference to enjoying your holiday.

These patented sunglasses have a discreet soft padded eye cup or AirShield that compresses gently around your eye sockets, helping to protect your eyes from wind, dust, and keeping your eyes moisturised.

Wear them in the plane and the air conditioning won't cause you to suffer such dry eyes because the eye cup slows down the evaporation of your tears.

Going somewhere windy and dusty? Wear these sunglasses on the beach, in the desert, on safari, and your...

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