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Our dry eye blog — dust proof glasses for cycling

Why 7eye AirShield glasses are so good for cycling

best cycling eyewear for keeping out the wind dust proof glasses for cycling pollen filtering glasses wind blocking glasses wind blocking glasses 7eye AirShield glasses

I've just returned from a bike ride on a cold, wet, and windy day in April - in fact, thoroughly bleak and miserable weather.

Yes it was cold and windy, and yet my eyes felt really protected when I was on the bike because I was wearing my 7eye AirShield glasses. This has prompted me to share with you the reasons why I find them so good for cycling.

Effective wind blocking

First of all, AirShield glasses really do block the wind. And I mean head winds, side winds, and air that is buffeting around your face on a gusty day. 

As a result...

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