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Our dry eye blog — wind blocking glasses

We're in for a windy weekend. The answer - Go Windless!

7eye AirShield Glasses to stop the wind keep the wind out of your eyes wind blocking glasses windless glasses windless goggles windless sunglasses windproof glasses windproof goggles windproof sunglasses Ziena Eyewear

Sometimes it feels as if 2020 has been the year of the wind.

Here we are in summer and the strong winds and showers make it feel like March or October.

wearing windproof sunglasses on an exposed seafront

If you're keen on the outdoors and the weather forecast makes your spirits sink, think again! Enjoying the outdoors in all weathers is mainly about wearing good quality protective clothing designed to keep out the elements while remaining comfortable and non-constricting.

windproof sunglasses

But while shops that sell all-weather clothing handle protection of most of your body pretty well,...

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Another windy day in the garden calls for some eye protection that really works

eyes wind protection itchy eyes hay fever wind blocking glasses Ziena Kai

I've really noticed the wind today while I've been gardening. Though the sun is out, there's a persistent Easterly - particularly strong if you live on top of a hill like we do!

I've been wearing my Ziena Kai again today and have been very pleased to have efffective wind protection for my eyes. The silicone shield blocks the wind very well. It's like being in a bubble of calm while the wind blows around me.

I'll be grateful for my Ziena glasses again later this week...

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Sharp increase in demand for our protective eyewear during the Coronavirus lockdown

coronavirus eye protection dust blocking goggles eye protection coronavirus garden hay fever itchy eyes photophobia sunglasses stop itchy eyes wind blocking glasses

There has been a sharp upsurge in demand for our protective eyewear during the Coronavirus lockdown. We look here at the possible reasons behind it.

We expect an increase at this time of year as more people get outdoors and require eye protection. However, since the start of the Coronavirus lockdown this has been more marked as more people than usual are getting out in their gardens or going for their daily approved exercise - whatever the weather.

And they are seeking to maximise their enjoyment of being outdoors, whether at home in the garden, or out and about in their...

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Why 7eye AirShield glasses are so good for cycling

best cycling eyewear for keeping out the wind dust proof glasses for cycling pollen filtering glasses wind blocking glasses wind blocking glasses 7eye AirShield glasses

I've just returned from a bike ride on a cold, wet, and windy day in April - in fact, thoroughly bleak and miserable weather.

Yes it was cold and windy, and yet my eyes felt really protected when I was on the bike because I was wearing my 7eye AirShield glasses. This has prompted me to share with you the reasons why I find them so good for cycling.

Effective wind blocking

First of all, AirShield glasses really do block the wind. And I mean head winds, side winds, and air that is buffeting around your face on a gusty day. 

As a result...

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