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Our dry eye blog — windproof glasses

Flying off to the sun? Don't let dry eyes ruin your holiday

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Don't forget to pack your 7eye AirShield or Ziena Eyewear moisture chamber glasses if you are flying off to a sunshine destination such as Greece or the Canary Isles this year.

Strong, dry winds make your eyes dry and sore

Dry eyes tend to accompany all aspects of foreign travel. But if you have moisture chamber glasses you can mitigate the amount that you suffer from dry eyes, keeping them moist on travel days and throughout your holiday experience.

7eye AirShield glasses with protective eye cup

Here are the situations when you...

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Do you love being outdoors but hate the wind that makes your eyes water?

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If you are a dry eye sufferer with sensitive eyes, you probably hate it when the wind blasts them.

You may suffer from sore, dry eyes after a time out in the wind, or, equally common, your eyes may water profusely, making it hard to see where you are going.

This is a problem that affects many people every year from the Autumn to the early Spring.

No problem. Try our windproof glasses!

We specialise in glasses and sunglasses to keep out the wind. They have a soft gasket clipped behind the rims which seals your eyes from the wind blasts. Nearly everyone...

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I can't see for tears! How can I stop my eyes watering outdoors?

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"I can't see when I'm outdoors on a cold day. I have to stop every few minutes to wipe the tears away. It's so frustrating and dangerous - can your eyewear stop my eyes from watering?"

wiping the streaming eyes from my face

Fortunately, it's the easiest to solve

At this time of year, watery eyes is one of the most common problems that people contact us about.

Fortunately, for most people this can be easy to solve. 

Simply wear 7eye AirShield wind blocking glasses next time you go outdoors on a cold windy day. 

Wearing 7eye...</p>

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Shut the wind out with 7eye AirShield insulated glasses

best windproof glasses windproof glasses Windproof glasses with clear lenses

Putting on a pair of 7eye insulated glasses is similar to coming inside into a double glazed room and shutting the door when it is windy outside.

The 7eye AirShield is a windproof gasket fitted to the back of the rims, which rests gently against your skin, giving you effective protection from wind, dust, and pollen.

7eye glasses are ideal if you have sensitive, dry eyes that feel sore or water excessively when you are outdoors in the cooler months.

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How 2020 has affected our eyes and what you can do about it

7eye AirShield 7eye AirShield glasses 7eye AirShield sunglasses 7eye AirShield UK air shield sunglasses cycling glasses windproof Eyewear Accessories Eyewear Accessories Devon Eyewear Accessories Ltd Glasses to stop the wind golf sunglasses to stop the wind moisture chamber glasses windproof cycling glasses windproof glasses Ziena Eyewear Ziena Eyewear UK

Our response to the pandemic has had implications for our eyes, something that has been largely overlooked in the media. Until now.

In this video, John at Eyewear Accessories uncovers the causes and effects of behavioural changes in 2020 and reveals some startling statistics about our increasing reliance on screen-based activities.

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