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Our dry eye blog — dust proof glasses

Flying off to the sun? Don't let dry eyes ruin your holiday

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Don't forget to pack your 7eye AirShield or Ziena Eyewear moisture chamber glasses if you are flying off to a sunshine destination such as Greece or the Canary Isles this year.

Strong, dry winds make your eyes dry and sore

Dry eyes tend to accompany all aspects of foreign travel. But if you have moisture chamber glasses you can mitigate the amount that you suffer from dry eyes, keeping them moist on travel days and throughout your holiday experience.

7eye AirShield glasses with protective eye cup

Here are the situations when you...

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Enjoy 3 in 1 protection when you wear 7eye AirShield glasses

7eye AirShield best sunglasses to stop glare clear wind glasses dust proof glasses glasses that protect from glare glasses to stop allergies hay fever glasses photophobia glasses stop eyes watering in cold weather stop tearing in windy weather wind protection glasses

7eye AirShield glasses and sunglasses give your eyes so much more protection than standard wraparound eyewear.

No other type of eyewear offers 3 in 1 protection against:

  • wind
  • pollen and dust
  • peripheral glare

What's more, wearing 7eye AirShield glasses means that your tear moisture will not evaporate so fast, and this helps to relieve symptoms of dry eye syndrome.

Protection against wind

The soft, comfortable AirShield eye cup encircles your eye sockets, insulating your eyes from the wind.

7eye AirShield eye cup

Wearing 7eye AirShield glasses will, in most cases, stop your eyes from producing...

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Wearing my windproof glasses means I can enjoy gardening even in gusty Autumn winds

best windproof glasses dust proof glasses dust protection glasses wind glasses windproof glasses windproof glasses for gardening

Autumn brings a lot of clearing up jobs in the garden, from trimming shrubs to sweeping up leaves. The trouble is that your enjoyment of being out in the garden can be affected significantly if the weather is cold and windy.

While you can cover up with windproof clothing, your eyes often remain unprotected.

When they are constantly being battered by strong and gusty winds, your eyes can either feel dry and sore, or can water profusely.

Frequently in gusty weather, you can find that dust is blown about and it is easy to get a piece of grit in the eyes, which can cause...

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