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Our dry eye blog — windproof glasses for gardening

How to stop eyes watering when gardening in cold weather

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In Autumn and Winter there are many tidying up jobs to do in the garden and if you're a keen gardener, you'll want to get outdoors whenever possible throughout the cooler months.

But while you can wrap up warmly on cold and windy days, there is one important gap in most people's winter gardening clothing and accessories - eye protection.

Yes, what do you do when your eyes water so much outdoors that you can't see what you're doing? Or when they feel sore and uncomfortable when the wind gusts around them?

Excessive eye watering in cold weather affects a majority of older gardeners


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Want to get out in the garden to get ready for spring but put off by the wind?

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The rise in temperatures this week and increased spells of warm sunshine are making many people think about getting out in the garden. What with tidying up after winter and making the garden shipshape for spring, there's lots for gardeners to do right now.

It would be very pleasant to be outside in the garden except for the wind.

Yes, that wind which has been such a feature of the last 6 months, is back in force today. You're okay if you're in a sheltered spot, but if your garden is exposed like ours is, the wind is enough to put you...

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Wearing my windproof glasses means I can enjoy gardening even in gusty Autumn winds

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Autumn brings a lot of clearing up jobs in the garden, from trimming shrubs to sweeping up leaves. The trouble is that your enjoyment of being out in the garden can be affected significantly if the weather is cold and windy.

While you can cover up with windproof clothing, your eyes often remain unprotected.

When they are constantly being battered by strong and gusty winds, your eyes can either feel dry and sore, or can water profusely.

Frequently in gusty weather, you can find that dust is blown about and it is easy to get a piece of grit in the eyes, which can cause...

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