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Our dry eye blog — windproof cycling glasses

I can't see for tears! How can I stop my eyes watering outdoors?

7eye AirShield glassses 7eye goggles 7eye windproof goggles golf watering eyes how to keep the wind out of your eyes stop eyes watering in cold weather watering eyes windproof cycling glasses windproof glasses

"I can't see when I'm outdoors on a cold day. I have to stop every few minutes to wipe the tears away. It's so frustrating and dangerous - can your eyewear stop my eyes from watering?"

wiping the streaming eyes from my face

Fortunately, it's the easiest to solve

At this time of year, watery eyes is one of the most common problems that people contact us about.

Fortunately, for most people this can be easy to solve. 

Simply wear 7eye AirShield wind blocking glasses next time you go outdoors on a cold windy day. 

Wearing 7eye...</p>

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How I overcame my battle to stop my eyes watering outdoors - Stephen's story

cycling glasses watery eyes glasses for MGD glasses to stop eyes watering in cold weather how to stop eyes watering how to stop watery eyes insulated sunglasses to stop eyes watering stop eyes streaming outdoors stop eyes watering stop eyes watering in cold weather stop eyes watering outdoors watery eyes cold wind watery eyes when it's cold watery eyes winter windproof cycling glasses windproof glasses for running windproof goggles for cycling

My name is Stephen and I am a regular cyclist, jogger and fell walker. I have dry eye syndrome from MGD, meaning that my eyes water and get uncomfortable in any wind. It can be very windy here in North Yorkshire!

I needed something fully windproof for cycling

I used to walk and cycle wearing ordinary sunglasses. Then, as my dry eye syndrome worsened, I looked for something fully windproof for cycling and bought some...

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How 2020 has affected our eyes and what you can do about it

7eye AirShield 7eye AirShield glasses 7eye AirShield sunglasses 7eye AirShield UK air shield sunglasses cycling glasses windproof Eyewear Accessories Eyewear Accessories Devon Eyewear Accessories Ltd Glasses to stop the wind golf sunglasses to stop the wind moisture chamber glasses windproof cycling glasses windproof glasses Ziena Eyewear Ziena Eyewear UK

Our response to the pandemic has had implications for our eyes, something that has been largely overlooked in the media. Until now.

In this video, John at Eyewear Accessories uncovers the causes and effects of behavioural changes in 2020 and reveals some startling statistics about our increasing reliance on screen-based activities.

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